Friday, December 26, 2008

Looking forward

Once again, I've failed to keep this blog current, this time not out of outright neglect but the simple fact that everything happening in my life as of late was unfit for public consumption. Trip to Paris, World Series championship and Obama victory aside, 2008 was not one of my better years. But, thankfully, it's drawing to a close. And in the past few weeks, things have been righting themselves, and I can honestly say that my life is pretty fucking wonderful right now. The key is keeping it that way throughout the coming year.

On a lighter note, my holidays have been pretty fun. I've spent time with my family and some of my friends, and received some really cool gifts, including a new digital camera (I broke my old one a couple of weeks ago), a new MP3 player, books, DVDs, clothes, jewelry, perfume, and lots of Phillies gear. But the best gift of all is that my wonderful husband, Matt, will no longer be working 3rd shift! After twelve long years, I no longer have to sleep alone. Yay!

I'm looking forward to 2009 and I'm making some goals for the New Year. Hopefully, I'll get around to posting a few of them.

Hoping everyone is enjoying their holidays!
