Thursday, February 14, 2008

Les gens sont des idiots

Reason number 57,428 why I'm glad I don't have to work outside the home: I don't have to deal with morons who -- in 2008 -- disparage the idea of traveling to France because they didn't support us in going to war with Iraq. WTF? I didn't even think we had such idiots conservateurs in Philly --which may be a backwater, but hey, at least we usually vote democrat -- but apparently we do, and they all work in Police Radio. My poor husband...


Anne said...

Ah,yes...because they were smart enough to see how stupid our government was being, we shouldn't go there. Ignore the idiots, have a fabulous time, and don't bring 'em any souvenirs!

Anna said...

ok so their point is since their country did NOT support us in the war, I am supposed to NOT go there? who thinks of this stuff?? ... heck I want to go too!!

Misty said...

That is the stupidest thing I've heard. But really, it's jealousy. If someone handed them a trip to Paris, they'd go. If they didn't want to, their wives would guilt them in to it!